
By JustSally

Lock Watch

It was an out and about day for the WI Camera Group. This is a grand name for a group of WI members who enjoy taking pictures and sharing their limited knowledge. If a pub lunch or tea is involved, so much the better.

Today we went to Pyrford Lock on the Wey Navigation. There were narrow boats, canoeists, ducks and swans to tempt us, but we started the visit with lunch at "The Anchor" first. This took two hours because we talked so much, sometimes about our cameras and their functions and settings, but also exchanged stories about our Christmas, our children and what is happening in our WI. By the time we emerged the sun had come out and we spent a happy half hour watching the skipper of a narrow boat taking her through the lock.

The sun was shining brightly before we moved on to the tiny Wisley Church where Liz went to great lengths trying to teach us about exposure compensation to help us take pictures of the windows from inside the church.

It was a happy day and I brought home nearly fifty photographs. How on earth do I choose one? Luckily I also edit the WI website and I can put as many as I want to on that when I report the outing!

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