
Out to get my blip after productive day at parents home.

Carers came in this mornng for the first time. Mum was positive, positively upbeat! Orthopedics came with 'stuff' and we also had from her an 80% positivity. 

The 'down' came when coming back from the hospital at 4:00 from visiting Dad, I got a phone call in the car saying they were waiting outside the house to give her her tea. I had said yesterday we have to do the hospital every day and 5:00 onwards is great to come. This didn't happen today so all to pot. I'm not the type of person who expects this absolutely amazing service which it has been, to be on tap and was gutted when the 'RR' person was waiting on the doorstep to give Mum her tea at 4:00. Yes I could and am doing tea obviously but this was just set it up for when I'm not there.

I cannot believe how very lovely all the girls are who work for Kirklees district, how amazing they have all been, how very fast the service which wasn't expected has been. The back up to me pesonally here has just been stunning! Grateful? Oh yes! It's taken me from a very bad, confuse and lonely place dealing with all this to actually quite buoyant tonight. 

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