
By NellyO

I Swear I Saw This

This is one of my Christmas books, which I chose after a friend on facebook had recommended it to someone else. I clicked on the link and thought it sounded like my kind of book - the author is an anthropologist, and this is about his fieldwork diaries. Having done fieldwork abroad myself this really appealed to me - I'm still really fond of my fieldwork diaries, and I think they're one of the things near the top of the 'things I'd rescue if the house was on fire' list. Some days (when things didn't go well) they're a bit streams of consciousness, but I'm also really happy to have a note of the random victories, good research and plain bizarre. I'm also spectacularly nosy (it's why I like doing ethnography!) so the thought of reading someone else's fieldwork diary is just the best - I'm really looking forward to reading it.

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