Glen Etive

Sore back through night, turning over in bed, which you just do without any thought, was anouch ouch affair. In morning after putting kettle on I paced about in the garden and I loosened up a good bit. I was then dreading the drive to Glen Etive. The journey was fine but getting out of the car and taking the first few steps were torture. Once under way I managed a normal day's work.

Forgot to mention yesterday afternoon I got an email composed and sent to a really silly solicitor who was arguing the point about a boundary dispute, on the basis of a sketch by a third party. The sketch was absolutely comical in its infantile quality of presentation. I was astounded the solicitor didn't check the drawing before sending it out. They had north pointing east and using data from a decade ago. I don't normally talk about work but I felt vexed for our client being bullied by her angry neighbour.

Someone has pointed out to me he can continue being angry and getting his solicitor to gladly write nonsensical letters because each time he does it adds to his bill..  

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