My Montreal

By snaity

A small shop.

Here in Montreal it gets cold. Very cold. Those clever Canadians have a plan for that, they go underground.
This is the a small part of the Eaton Centre, a tiny fraction of Downtown Montreals underground shopping and living complex. Over 20 miles of interconnected, shopping, banking, cinemas, apartments and metro stations. You can find some info on it here if you are interested, it's really an amazing place.
I have explored a tiny fraction so far in my year here but I am working on it!

I took a photograph like this last year on my mobile but though I would see how the dslr held up, plus a bonus shopping trip is never a bad thing ;)

It's 5.30pm here now so I am off to make dinner but I am looking forward to coming back later and have a damn good look through everybody's journals, I have a lot of catching up to do!

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