Water , water everywhere....

And not a drop to drink.
A very wet morning with water everywhere ..Not nice .
Took Mrs F’s car down to the garage to get 2 new tyres fitted and when I came back the road was closed because of flooding outside the village. Someone put a photo up of a car abandoned in the middle of it.
It faired up after lunch so cleared up the last of the barley from the shed floor into the grain pit.
Yesterday’s calf has eventually decided to suck the cow tonight so fingers crossed it should be ok now.
Got a phone call from Mrs F this afternoon to say there was no hot water in the house. After finding a ladder and climbing up into the loft I discovered the tank was empty and the ball cock was choked. Of course when I tried to unscrew the end cap to take the plunger out the brass crumbled like paper as it was so old . Bugger. Luckily I found a new valve and managed to swap the big old float and stalk over . It’s all back together now and seems to be working. Have decided I’m getting too old for joist walking though, especially as you can’t see them any more for all the rockwool insulation. Made it interesting a few times !

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