Motuhaku Island

Such a fabulous day today, starting with Dad (Mum and Dad stayed in the bay last night) spending an hour on the beach emptying the net of around 30 parore, 4 stingrays, 1 snapper and 2 trevally.

Then, being such a nice day we went out for the day on Mum and Dads boat. We travelled around Motuhaku Island here, known more for the end of the island called Wellington Head. Also this house, built several years ago. Sea access only and difficult at that, but apparently not enough to stop it being burgled. Mad!

Then down to the broken islands where we found a fabulous cove to fish and snorkel. I got close to catching 2 crays snorkelling, but not close enough. Then back to the bay, stopping enroute to do a spot of fishing, and a another snorkel for me to get some scallops. I was a tad tired, so 40ft was a stretch, but I got a dozen for the folks for dinner.


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