New Book I am Reading

It is about a tale of Tasmanian's ancient forests; of art and science; of love and, above all, of friendship.In the 1930s, in an isolated and beautiful corner of southern Tasmania, a new young wife arrives at her husband's secluded property - Arcadia.  I am enjoying it so far. 

At the moment I am finding it hard to concentrate on reading. I gave up on three books and that isn't like me. Once I can get a good night's sleep my concentration may improve. 

I had another Osteopath treatment today. Hopfully I will feel a bit better tomorrow. She worked on my ribcage which is out of alignment and also my feet. My feet feel really hot now. Which she said is good as the blood flow is better. She was worried, like me, about the swelling in my legs and feet. They were worse than the other day. Not sure if it is because I am not laying down to sleep or the medication for the pain. She wants me to see the GP. I made appointment for Thursday.

I did as I was told and did as much walking as possible after the treatment this afternoon. 

The rain has just started. We are in for a cold few days with snow down to around 300m tonight. Hopfully by the weekend things will warm up for the long weekend. 

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