
It’s been a good year for fungi and on every walk l do there are many to see.
So l thought l had better take a photograph of tiny one to add to all the other ones seen on Blip.
Chose the one with as much colour as l could find for the October Colour Blitz.
Amanita Muscaria or better known as Fly Agaric: not to be eaten under any circumstances.

In other news Mr P is finally getting better from having the flu shot and has ventured out today for a run or at least a walk with his friends.
It was touch and go if he would be able to have his immunotherapy yesterday but it all went ahead smoothly.

I still have the remains of a cold l came down with over a month ago and my back isn’t too good at the moment.
So just gentle walking for me this week, no dance classes, Zumba or aerobics.

On the brighter side it’s giving me chance to get my hair cut as it resembles a bird’s nest at the moment and plenty more time to practice our German before tonight’s class

As Mr P couldn’t go last week l’ve been teaching him what he missed.
It’s true what they say: the person who learns the most about something is the person who is teaching it.

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