Plume Moth

I noticed this on the back room window last night and decided that if it was still there this morning it could be my blip. It was, and it is! Since then the window cleaner will have disturbed it!

Over to Metheringham to see the Folks, and that went reasonably OK I'm glad to say.

When I went to catch the train home though, I saw on the display at the station that my train was cancelled due to the previous one breaking down and blocking the line. I walked back to the Co-op bus stop and waited there for half an hour or so to come home on the bus. That cost me another £5 on top of the £5 I'd already paid for the return train ticket!

I got home with around 20 minutes to spare before I had to go out again to work. It has been quite busy there this week so far...hence the late Blip despite having taken my photo at 9:30 AM!

Tomorrow morning I won't go too far as I hope the plumber will finally come and sort out the radiator!

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