From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG

Cooking on gas

Yep, you spotted it, another late-night lazy panic blip. All the more shocking that it has taken me so long to get round to uploading it, really. Almost didn't bother, but decided I should make more of an effort to get back into my journal, so here it is.

Monday was an odd day. No pre-school for Little G, but Mr G had gone back to work, so the three of us mostly rattled around getting on each others' nerves. Took them to a soft play climbing area thing in the morning to play with friends, but they were both on pretty grotty grumpy form. To be fair, as was I - never a good combination!

Probably just post-holiday flump, which is probably why I took a silly picture of my beloved oven, to remind myself that there are some (trivial) plus points to being back at home! ;-)

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