From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG

Back in the groove

Today has been a good day. In fact, I think I may nominate this to be the actual start of the new year, and pretend that the preceding week of general grumpiness and lethargy never really happened.

The sun didn't shine. It was cold, damp and grey. But for some reason, it's been a good day... The little Gs played nicely together this morning. We haven't done much shouting today. We were on time for pre-school. The electricity stayed on all day and I didn't lock myself out. These are all things to be grateful for! Even the fact that my cakes all stuck to their tins this afternoon can't stop me smiling. Things are looking up!

This isn't the best of shots - I'd wanted to take one a few moments earlier which would at least have been nicely framed by trees, but we were interrupted by a man and his dog. Ideally Little G wouldn't have turned around and caught me in the act either. But nevertheless, it is a happy shot and it makes me smile, so that will do.

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