Lake Reflections

After Wendy's beautiful image yesterday of the fall foliage, I went to the same location and took a long walk around the lake.  It was really a perfect fall day, blue skies, light jacket, brilliant colors.

Elsewhere the foliage is quite muted due to our recent drought, but these trees must have been able to tap into the lake water during the drought.

Our little grandson was born at 1:50 am yesterday morning.  He was 8 days early, surprising us all but is healthy, and only a little tiny at 6 pounds 11 ounces.   I had my first Facetime with him when he was 2 hours old.  My husband and I shed tears of joy and are now packing to fly to Las Vegas early next week to see the happy new family.  They went home today.  I remember when I had my first child, they kept me in the hospital for 5 days.  

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