A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Foiled By Fencing


Oh, please yourselves, as Frankie Howard would have said.

Our old walk up into the hills is now made rather difficult to access, thanks to the new fence that has sprung up around the retirement cottage.

To contain the cattle who have taken up residence, rather than to keep us out, I imagine.

Armed with the Wide Nik this morning, this image is much more about composition, thirds and diagonals, than content, but there you are.

In other news, I am as stiff as a board after my first pilates session. Who would have thought some seemingly gentle stretching exercises would wreak such havoc on these underutilised muscles? But, I am assured that the pain will be worth it and the effects of my arthritis can be reduced considerably.

I am going again next Wednesday as the cynic in me knows I will keep being told what I want to hear as long as I keep paying!

Have a fab weekend when yours finally arrives.

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