
By DrSandy

A promise of rain

But it was just a promise.....

The upside of which, it gave me a great sunset view, from INSIDE my house.  Pretty unusual, to see the sunset from here. I typically have to go outside and look towards the 6 lane highway, that runs parallel to the suburb. 

PS.  Pretty standard Thursday. Spent the morning putting the finishing touches to the video, then SPLASHED and indulged in journal reading, late into the night, until bed time.

But there was another highlight, of sorts.  I got a comment on my Ups and Downs series...

Here is the comment :

Your ups and downs of insulin resistance video series is fantastic, and I am hoping you will do another one in the series, this one on histidine! I have seen a couple of studies which found low histidine in metabolic syndrome, and one in particular which identified 3 major groups, those low in glycine, those low in histidine, and those low in both. Fingers crossed you will find this a good subject for another one of your phenomenal videos!

Histidine ?

Up until this point, I have not ever thought of hisitidine. I won't say I have not heard of it, I know it is an amino acid and it's gets made into histamine -  it's allergic neurotransmitter cousin.   Curious, I did a little digging...........OMG !

Histidine shoved on alanine makes carnosine.  And carnosine is a little piece of MAGIC.  This will definitely be a future episode.  Not so sure about hisidine.
1. Not enough research on it
2. Not actionable (I always try to have a point to the story).

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