Birches in the Mist

I want to start by acknowledging a large number of new subscribers to my journal. I regard every subscription as a great honour and regret very much that there is no way at the moment I can drop by to say hello and thank you in person. I really appreciate you following me here. I know very well that I wouldn't be making the effort to record a picture from my day if it wasn't for all of you out there in the ether. All I can really do is carry on in the way that I have been doing and try to keep you entertained. Hopefully, in a few weeks, I can start to engage a bit more in the community.

It's 8pm and I'm still at the office, taking a break to post this before hopefully finishing the bit of work I'd hoped to get completed today. I'm trying to alternate cycling days with running days at the moment so I came in on the train and went out at lunchtime for a run up on Baildon Moor. I was in the mist up there and got a bit lost, hoping to break out into sunshine but never quite making it (this is what I was hoping to find). At the top you could see blue sky above but there were no views. These birches were sitting at the edge of the layer of mist, where all the best shots - like yesterday's - are to be had. It was all wonderfully ethereal, and very much the high point of a rather tedious day.

Right, back to the grindstone.

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