His Simple Rose

By HisSimpleRose

Further Celebrative Fun... "It's a high, five

After having a sleepover with the Worthy Carrots (aka our cousins that live in Worthing), we went to visit the Howes, Ellie's God family that we haven't seen all together in over 5 years. The adults caught up in the kitchen, while the kids (and me :P) mucked about in the lounge, watching 70s and 80s re-runs of Catchphrase, a cooking programme presented by Anna Olson which apparently taught us how to make squares even when they're round..... (WHAT?!?), Choccywoccydoodah (that half bald boss has some serious issues..), epic fails on YouTube, and eating a lot of chocolate... and silly things like pillow fights and pile ons.
..All the usual things people do at reunions :P

It was fun and hopefully we won't wait so long to see them again!

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