
By JackyMT

Baking again

Scones and mince tarts this time. Plus a rice pudding that got left in the oven a bit too long and went a bit gloopy but with a bit of evaporated milk added to loosen the rice it was ok to eat.

Well what a dreadfully wet 24 hours its been, the area at the side of the house is one big puddle.

We took Tanzy a walk in the rain but Molly looked out of the door and shot back upstairs and Maddy wouldnt even move. We did get rather wet. Then I decided after lunch to bake.

When it finally stopped about 4pm and the sun actually came out I took Molly a nice long walk. It was cold but pleasant. The Sunday forecaste looks dry.

Tired now so just relaxing. Looking foreward to the new suite coming but still no call to arrange a date which is annoying as its been 10 weeks now and I want to be able to make arrangements for Mark to come and help get the chair and settee out into the garage because with him working nights he has to get his sleep and come over between 3.30 and 5.

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