The Bed Race

We spent the day down in Campbeltown with KK's football team. Today they were in a local bed race to raise money for Cancer Research and McMillan nurses. The event was organised by Calum Semple their minibus driver who has just had a very serious cancer diagnosis.
The weather was freezing cold and very windy with frequent hail showers and we were all chilled to the bone as it took place at Machrihanish airbase which is very exposed.

The team started well but when they hit the first ramps the back wheels buckled and then fell off. The boys continued by half carrying their bed. Later in the course the headboard fell off and the remaining wheels buckled. KK was the person in the bed and fell off several times. 

They persevered and this shot is them nearly at the finish line where they crossed the line with a little help. I have put a photo in extra of them at the start of the race.

We treated ourselves to dinner in The Ardsheil hotel and a warm up before returning home in the rain.

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