twinned with trumpton


WFH. Not a huge amount of e mail to be dealt with but various other bits of admin got tidied up (mileage, Myjobscotland search)
And I did some work too. 
Having done my time it was off up to town for dinner.

The lass was out,  last night of half tetm holidays and due back by 8. Especially after the misinformation about her whereabouts the previous evening.

But no. The 8pm deadline passed, and the phone remained unanswered.  Calls were made to friends and associates and third hand messages of assurance trickled back. 
Come 2130 she called and said she was fine, I set off to try and see if she was where she said she was but to no avail.

After 10 she announced she was in Toll cross at a recognised haunt but still took another 90 minutes to arrive. 

Joyfully she arrived in, and the jury's out on whether she was high on life or not.

At midnight I left and at 0030 a distressed Her called.
She then recalled at 1 to say she was fine only for another call about 20 minutes later that was brief but telling.

So at 0145 I turned into the street to see the ambulance outside. Not a nice feeling but I knew in all likelihood it was panic attack/ anxiety attack. Paramedics inside had her hooked up, and doing soothing noises.

I finally got in after 3.

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