Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Day 10: One o'clock

I do feel a bit guilty posting s pic of me leisurely hanging out with L after lunch without a care in the world, while so many other people were stuck at work at this time. The laughs soon ended for Woody though as he fell off his horse (on the way to the swimming pool?!) and hurt his 'blooded'. He had a bandage put on and needed a lie down. Poor Woody.

We walked to Soccertots this morning in the freezing cold. Our walk was so brisk we got there 20 minutes early. This will be her last time there as she will be at preschool on a Thursday from now on. She did some mega good ball kicking so we left on a high.

We have a huge problem little issue with biting at the moment. Every 5 minutes this evening L was gnawing into either one of her sisters or the sofa. She seems to get a lot of satisfaction from feeling something clenched tightly in her jaws ;-S These bloody phases they go through.

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