Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Slow Blip Day!

Can you tell? This is Carys's haul of Sylvannian creatures from Christmas. The hedgehogs are quite cute.

William has been saying he doesn't want to go to Space2Play with big kids(our big soft play) since he has had his nosebleed. As we are meeting friends there tomorrow after school I thought maybe we should ease him back in this morning when only the pre-schoolers would be there. It went well. we played football for half an hour, had a drink, went to the top and bounced on the balls, sat in the bubble and climbed on the over hang thing (well W did and I felt funny in the pit of my stomach watching him). Then lots of play on the slides.

Time to go to new swimming, which I thought was going to be a disaster as all the way there he was adamant he didn't want to go. Then I told him we weren't swimming in the outside pool and he visibly relaxed! So he got changed quite happily but refused point blank to have the hat on, screaming at me when I tried. One step at a time Mummy.

F the new teacher is lovely and soon had him sitting on the side and then in. There are only three in his class at the moment whichis also nice. Almost immediately she had them washing their face and then their hair (which is the point that W usually declines to join in) and the splashing water over the top of their heads. He joined in it all and then was quite happy for F to put his hat on! All in all he had a good lesson, I could hear him chatting away across the pool and he told me he enjoyed it and that he would come back next week, "or maybe before Mummy."

Off to Music Train and he enjoyed it, but was very tired after the mornings exertions and two poor nights sleep.

W cycled up to school with a bit of help. C was very good about the fact that she had to walk home as I hadn't brought her scooter, even helping W a bit. I couldn't manage a boy on a bike and carry a scooter up to school. After homework C had a play with her animals and then carefully put them away for tea. I hope she is good like that all the time as some of the bits are tiny and very easy to lose.

A good bedtime tonight. W went to sleep quickly and that meant I could sit on the bed with Carys and sort out her dolls hair whilst she chatted to me, a little reconnection time. Last night C admitted that she had been playing up because she missed Daddy when he went back to work after the holidays. Daddy gave her a little note to keep in her pocket with a kiss on it, so she has something from him to look at when she misses him. It seemed to work because other than a panicked shout after 10mins because the said note was in the pocket of the blouse that she had put in the linen basket, she went to sleep with no issues. Lets see what tomorrow brings.

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