Life through a lens

I had a really lovely prayer walk this morning, peaceful and encouraging. 
Straight from the school run we took our lunch to the beach...Danny helpfully happened to have a bottle in his bag and I had my card Swiss knife, so was able to create this filter...I loved the light on the water droplets...
Asha had homework of collecting a bag full of leaves, so we did that when we got home! Then more sorting through clothes we've been given for the homeless - I think some people just get rid of their rubbish to us! The other day Danny was with one of the homeless guys and someone gave him a raw chicken!! What's he meant to do with that?! 
I'm looking forward to a Skype with a friend tonight, hence my early blip. Danny's in the prison and I'm trying to sort out the spare room for my cousin Lozz who arrives tomorrow night...can't wait!!!!!!!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Prayer walking and all the visual cues to pray into.
2) Nate's complete and utter delight at pushing a kid sized trolley round the supermarket. I don't think anything could have made him happier in that moment!
3) A lovely bit of chat with a few of the parents at Asha's school gate - we have some wonderful friends there.

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