Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Acer at its best

Got the bike out again, though only for a few days, as it'll be put away again when we get the room painted in a few days. Maybe that’s what’s made me so tired. 

JR was expecting a delivery yesterday which did not arrive, despite an email saying it would be between 5pm and 9pm. An email then informed us there was a delay, and there would be an update tomorrow (today). 

So far today ... nothing. Hopeless. Though JR was very excited to do a 'live chat' on the iPad (for the first time) with the supplier.

I took Archie round the Meadows (by bus), and popped in to a travel agent, to have a wee discussion with the nice young lady there. Considering holidays for next year, having done our bit for the planet this year by not flying anywhere. Picked up a couple of brochures...

Archie had a nice run through the park, though he barked at a man innocently (though noisily) banging away on his drum.

The little Acer has suddenly got its autumn coat on, and so Archie was admiring it.

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