

Our last morning in Seville before catching our flight later this afternoon. After breakfast mum and dad went and had a wander on their own, she wanted to buy a cork handbag which many shops were selling. Mr C and I went and bought some fresh baguettes to have before our flight and some delicious packed cold meats from the food market in ‘The mushrooms’ to take home. On meeting back up with mum & dad, she wanted to find a little shop we had seen on our travels that sold some almond pastries and chocolates. It was down towards the river. After spending a fortune we just had a slow wander and enjoyed the sunshine as we knew the forecast back home was not too great.

Back home by 8pm.

I was very apprehensive about where to take mum for her surprise birthday trip as both mum & dad loved Venice (and the hotel) when we celebrated dads 80th. But she kept reassuring me that she was enjoying it as it was different, flat to walk around and had history. Phew! I think I passed the test :-D))

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