Yr Olwyn Bywyd

Yr Olwyn Bywyd ~ The Wheel of Life


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Heddiw daeth Jomo Samphel Déchen i'n gwesty cwrdd â phobl nad oedd yn gallu ymweld â hi ddoe.  Mae hi’n hen iawn nawr ac yn cerdded gyda ffrâm ond mae hi'n aros yn hapus ac roedd hi'n falch iawn i weld pawb.  Roedd y tacsi yn hwyr i fynd  â hi i'w chartref, felly dechreuodd hi gerdded trwy'r strydoedd brwnt nes iddi gwrdd â'r tacsi. Mae hi'n ysbrydoliaeth.

Yn y prynhawn aethon ni i'r siopau.  Mae Nor'dzin wedi bod yn chwilio a'r Thangka 'Wheel of Life' ond nid yw hi erioed wedi dod o hyd i un y mae'n ei hoffi.  Heddiw ffeindiodd hi siop lle rydych chi'n gallu archebu Thangka.  Roedd hi'n hoffi'r ansawdd eu gwaith ac roedd hi'n dweud wrthyn nhw beth roedd hi eisiau. Roedd Nor'dzin yn hapus gyda phris, felly gwnaeth hi archebu Thangka. Bydd e'n cymryd tri mis i baentio ac mae Nor'dzin yn edrych ymlaen at weld e.

Yn i noswaith, ymwelodd A'gyür Rinpoche â'n gwesty. Mae A'gyür Rinpoche mab y diweddar Lama Tharchin Rinpoche.  Roedd e'n dda cwrdd â fe.

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Today Jomo Samphel Déchen came to our hotel to meeting people who couldn't visit her yesterday. She is very old now and walks with a frame but she stays happy and was very pleased to see everyone. The taxi was late to take her home, so she started walking through the dirty streets until she met the taxi. She is an inspiration.

In the afternoon we went to the shops. Nor'dzin has been searching for the Thangka 'Wheel of Life' but she has never found one she likes. Today she found a shop where you can order a Thangka. She liked the quality of their work and told them what she wanted. Nor'dzin was happy with price, so she ordered a Thangka. It will take three months to paint and Nor'dzin is looking forward to seeing it.

In the evening, A'gyür Rinpoche visited our hotel. A'gyür Rinpoche is the son of the late Lama Tharchin Rinpoche. It was good to meet him.

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