Cadw eiliad ar ffilm

Cadw eiliad ar ffilm ~ Keep a moment on film


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Roedd Nor'dzin yn eithaf sâl heddiw a gwnaeth hi feddwl y byddai'n well aros yn y gwesty trwy'r dydd.  Mae hirdaith gyda ni ar ddiwedd ein hamser yn Bhutan felly mae'n bwysig ei bod hi'n dod yn well.

Yn y bore rhoddodd Rinpoche a Khandro Déchen disgyddiaethau. Eto, daeth nifer o bobl Bhutan i glywed nhw. 

Yn y prynhawn, aethon ni i 'Buddha Point', lle gyda cherflun fawr iawn o Buddha Shakyamuni.  Mae'n enfawr gyda thaldra yn fwy na 50m. O flaen y cerflun mae lle mawr agored lle mae pobl yn cwrdd am wyliau a dysgeidiaethau.

Roedd y golau yn rhy ddisglair i mi dynnu ffotograffau da o'r cerflun. Yn ffodus, un o'n grŵp yw ffotograffydd proffesiynol ac rydyn ni'n dibynnu arno fe i dynnu llawer o ffotograffau da (dim pwysau).  Roeddwn i'n hapus jyst i dynnu ffotograff ohono fe (gyda chysgodlun y cerflun mewn  amlygiad dwbl).

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Nor'dzin was quite ill today and she thought it best to stay in the hotel all day. We have a trip with us at the end of our time in Bhutan so it is important that she becomes better.

In the morning Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen gave discourses. Yet, many Bhutanese people came to hear them.

In the afternoon, we went to 'Buddha Point', a place with a very large statue of Buddha Shakyamuni. It is huge with a height of over 50m. In front of the statue is a large open space where people meet for holidays and teachings.

The light was too bright for me to take good photographs of the sculpture. Fortunately, one of our group is a professional photographer and we rely on him to take lots of good photographs (no pressure).. I was happy to just photograph him (with the sculpture in double exposure).

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