
By Rafstar99

Happy days!

Got some really good news for you guys today! Me and Jamie, my PA, started the day by getting the bus down to my new traineeship group which is held in town. Just a little group of people who are struggling to find or get into work. I really enjoyed this! Next stop, Costa!
Coffee shops are where memories are made, and that was true today when I bumped into two of my year 6 teachers! That put a really big smile on my face, it was just great to catch up with them me.
My final burst of joy was at a care home called Beech house. I went here with my other PA, Alison. This is where I will spend some of my time because I'll be doing a work placement there. I've gotta say, I have never seen so much joviality under one roof!
Bring on November!

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