
MrsCyclops is a terrible Grinch about Halloween, but this year we had a kind invitation to join friends for trick or treating, so MrsCyclops decided to suck it up.

In advance, CyclopsJnr had decided to dress as a wizard. He had a very particular idea of what the look of this wizard should be like and thankfully was happy with the costume purchased.

After school we came home, CyclopsJnr changed into his new wizard costume, then we headed back out to the swimming lesson.

On the bus, a stranger put a four pack of full size Snickers in CyclopsJnr's bucket. Odd.

Swimming lesson. Sweeties from the teacher. Free toffee apples at the reception desk.

Then CyclopsJnr and swim-pal J got dressed into their costumes to go trick or treating together. J was a wearwolf. J lives in the next block to the pool so we went about there. It was a great success as the residents were very welcoming. The boys enjoyed themselves and came away with a bucketful of sweets each.

We were home about 7pm, sharing a sneaky poke of chips on the way.

CyclopsJnr was allowed to stay downstairs until 8pm to greet the last stragglers trick or treating round our neighborhood. 

It was all very nice, not like the old Grinch expected.

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