Siopa ffenestri

Siopa ffenestri ~ Window shopping

(Barthsam -> Trashigang -> Yonphula)

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Heddiw gwnaethon ni ddweud ffarwel wrth Bartsham. Roedd e wedi bod amser arbennig yna.  Mae'r dwyrain Bhutan yn teimlo tipyn bach gwahanol i'r gorllewin o'r wlad.  Tipyn bach mwy gwyllt, efallai.

Gyrron ni i Yonphula trwy Trashigang lle stopion ni oherwydd bod rhai o bobl eisiau mynd i siopa.  Mae'n anodd dweud unrhywbeth am y dre ar ôl ugain munud, ond mae'n edrych yn ddiddorol.

Gwnes i hoffi'r arwydd 'Dim Ysmygu' gyda dirwy o 500 Ngultrum (tua £5). Mae ysmygu yn erbyn y gyfraith yn Bhutan,  ac ar ôl tair trosedd y gallech chi fynd i'r carchar.

Mae'n hynod ddiddorol hefyd eich bod chi'n gallu ffeindio cerfluniau ac offeryn Bwdist ar werth ym mhob tref a phentref.  Dydw i ddim yn gallu ffeindio dim byd fel 'na ym Mhentref Eglwys Newydd.

Aethon ni'r gwesty i ymolchi cyn mynd allan eto i ymweld â Yonphula Rinpoche.  Roedd rhai ohonon ni wedi ymweld â fe yn gynnar pan gyrhaeddon ni yn Yonphula.  Yr amser hwn aethon ni i gyd. Roedd e'n dda iawn i'w weld eto.  Rydyn ni  wedi cael cymaint o gyfarfodydd da gyda lamas y daith hon - mae e wedi bod anhygoel.

Aethon ni yn ôl i'r gwesty. Yfory byddan ni'n hedfan i'r gorllewin.

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Today we said goodbye to Bartsham. It had been a special time there. East Bhutan feels a little different to the west of the country. A little more wild, perhaps.

We drove to Yonphula via Trashigang where we stopped because some people wanted to go shopping. It's hard to say anything about the town after twenty minutes, but it looks interesting.

I liked the 'No Smoking' sign with a fine of 500 Ngultrum (about £5). Smoking is against the law in Bhutan, and after three crimes you could go to jail.

It's also fascinating that you can find Buddhist statues and implements for sale in every town and village. I can't find anything like that in Whitchurch Village.

We went to the hotel to wash before heading out again to visit Yonphula Rinpoche. Some of us had visited him early on our arrival in Yonphula. This time we all went. It was really good to see him again. We've had so many good meetings with llamas this trip - it's been amazing.

We went back to the hotel. Tomorrow we will fly west.

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