New love

Friends, I want to tell you a secret...
Mountains have always been my muse, my reason, my special place - for the longest time climbing, walking, hiking - even sliding down them on planks - in the steep stuff was where I found my peace, where I felt my mostest bestest me.
But they can be a demanding love - bit by bit they took their toll - occasional aches and pains became constant companions, slowly the ease of youth became the endeavour of everyday. Then a momentary slip with potentially long lasting repercussions, an abstinence forced upon our life long love.
At first it was just a distracting flirtation, something to try and stop me lifting my eyes unto the hills, a softer form of play, something to soothe rather than test. But slowly a new love crept upon me. Peace and tranquillity with just enough challenge to push, the lure of the Lakes drew me in. We've spent a year together - swimming, floating, ambling along. A pleasure previously simply passed by, now appreciated and admired, coveted and missed.

That first love still holds strong - the mountains have won me back, let me back - but now they have a rival for my affections, I think I couldn't stay away from the water for too long without a yearning.

I live in a very beautiful place.

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