
By RonRagsdale

Footpath View

Back to the grind today, but reasonably productive. New e-Newsletter went out to 7000 subscribers, and we've got nearly 30% open rate in the first 6 hours. Also, trying to get caught up on accounts. Total drudgery, but so necessary...

Gill and I were going to meet at the zoo after lunch, but they've changed to their winter hours - only open at the weekends now. So, back to work. Before I did, though, I went over to the church and up the footpath to my favourite lone tree to see if it had changed visage yet (not much, still hanging on to its leaves), so came back. As I was coming out of the small woods at the back of the church, the view down the footpath looked particularly nice with the coloured leaves hanging over the path.

Tonight is another busy evening - camera club and book festival committee.

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