
By Raestelle


No, not at all, sorry. EXPLANATION:

It is the pretty light from my Air Purifier, taken at 3:00am.
I have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (respiratory) and rather than panic because I couldn't breathe, and medication wasn't working, I asked for my camera to blip the pretty light I could see, in the night, to take my mind away from myself.
Sometimes to take one's mind into another direction doing something one loves to do, if they can, it will help to mend the condition, even if just a for little while.
And so, with the help of my John holding a little tripod on my chest to slow my over breathing I carefully took several blips knowing what I could do with them in the morning when I could sit up successfully and think more clearly. I have had 1 hr's sleep that I know of so I hope this is decipherable. I've been like this since childhood, and so these sad days of learning, and lack of knowledge, and good medical support about these conditions. such as aspergillus, I have to use my own commonsense.
This is what the love of photography can do for you if you try,and how important it is to be determined no matter how one feels - and the above is the result of some rather rough editing.. It has taken me a while to write this but I'll be better soon.

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