Wednesday: Transformation

I slept surprisingly well and unjetlaggy last night........fingers crossed for tonight.  

I had meetings today up at Kings Cross - the area is so transformed from when I last saw it, it’s unbelievable.  Back in the day it used to be positively seedy but now it’s all very stylish and hi-tech.

After that it was back to Whitehall where I spent the afternoon.

This evening I headed to Richmond where I met up with M&L, R and ConstablePie.  We had a great evening over drinks and dinner.  It’s as if we just saw each other yesterday - getting together always leaves me a little wistful.  We really enjoy our overseas life but we do have such good friends here that we miss........

Today was a salutary lesson in not relying on one blip.  I intended to blip us out together this evening but the waiter took the photo and it was very unflattering to me so it shall not be posted.  Instead you have the Samsung building in Kings Cross.

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