An Old Airman's Life

By 1VintageAirman


It has been a long week. Glad that it is Friday. I will probably have to work a little over the weekend. I have a project to complete, and since Debbie and I are going to New Orleans for the start of Mardi Gras in a week, I don't want to leave anything undone.

I spend much of my day commuting on trains and buses. I have never been good at just taking out a camera and shooting pictures of random folks. I will be working on that in the coming weeks. I hope that I will get a bunch of great shots. I further hope that I won't have to blip me with a black eye. At any rate, this fellow seems like he really, REALLY needs a great weekend. He scowled the entire time I was on the bus with him, then on the platform and was still scowling when he got off the light rail.

We have had a bunch of rain. A friend said they measured 4 inches on Tuesday through Wednesday. Today it is about 70 degrees with no threat of rain until tomorrow. My wife and I are going to go out for dinner and then to a friends house for a party. A great start to a weekend.

May you all have a great Saturday and Sunday.

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