Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Gone. But not forgotten.

Today we had a luncheon date with Rufus (Extra) and his mum at a new (to us) dog friendly pub. It was a mere stroll across the Meadows, which was just as well, as it was a dreich day, and not one for strolls. But we made it, there and back, without getting wet. Cold, but not wet.

We had an excellent sharing board (actually, two) and two bottles of wine, which was almost too much, but we managed. 

I woke with a wee cough and sore throat, and have now almost lost my voice. Drat.

The wee Acer has left us. It only lasted about a week. But it coincided with the time our Jersey visitors were with us, so that was well arranged.

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