Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2019 Wednesday — Stairs, Ugh!

This photo saddens me extremely. Watching Mr. Fun help our Max dog up the stairs makes me very sad. Max has gone completely blind during the past six months. He is the sweetest most compliant little dog. His tail wags continually.

We had decided today to just walk the 3 pups down our street instead of putting them in the car to go to a local park. The walk along the street is not our pups favorite place; they prefer the sandy seashore.

So getting back to the house, the final steps are “up” and it’s more than difficult for Max to navigate these stairs. Watching the two of them is emotionally painful for me. I could pick-up Max (who weights approximately 30 lbs and is heavy) to carry him up the stairs, but I’m not as steady on my feet as I used to be and Mr. Fun doesn’t pick-up Max because he doesn’t want to damage his sensitive back.

Rosie (& Mr.Fun), aka Carol

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