Pandemic Legacy, Season 1 - December

Well, I can be very quick with this report, we lost very fast.

As Hannes could not be present, we played 4, with Kobe the Medic, Leander the Dispatcher, Tarek the Immunologist, and Me the Quarantine Specialist.

To begin this month we got a message from Zodiac that we were to late, and that they had a secret stockpile of new COdA-mutations. We had to destroy all our objectives and got 2 new ones:
- vaccinate all faded cities (6)
- find the stockpile in Atlanta using the search track.

The first sounded logical and doable, not so for the second, because we had to discard 16 cards of a particular colour in a certain order to make this work.

We were able to vaccinate 3 cities, but were unable to discard a lot of cards because we had a lot of trouble with the red and black diseases. Not a lot of yellow cards turned in the infection deck (almost all vaccinated and thus safe), do we had to do a litchis damage control. The epidemics aldo turned up very quickly, which didn’t help.

So we lost

We’ll just have to try again.
Which reminds me, we forgot to select 2 game end upgrades.

Next time we luckily will get 2 or 3 funded events to help us.

The last visible STOP-card in the deck says it may be looked at if we win in December or lose in the second half of December. I think we’re screwed...

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