Flower Friday...Ladder 15

I was on the downtown bridge shooting flowers close-up...when I heard the alarm go off. It was coming from the old fire hall, which is now an up-scale restaurant.

Within minutes, the fire chief pulled up, opened the back of his vehicle...and suited up. (I know it looks like a cloud...but that is smoke coming out of the roof.)

Jump ahead a few minutes, and here's one of the reasons why I love living in a small town. First, 4 police cars show up, and block off traffic. Then, 3 of our fire engines came on the scene. Then, an engine from a neighboring city, then one from the township, then two more from who-knows-where. 7 fire engines, and 7 more emergency vehicles for a total of 14 vehicles...firemen (and women) everywhere.

The problem? After they put the fire out, I went to leave, but I was blocked in by emergency vehicles. A policeman had to move his cruiser in order for me to exit. Oops.

A beautiful blue sky, but very cold. While I was watching this (both hat-less and glove-less)...it was only 32F.

Thanks to Bikerbabe (Bikerbear) for hosting.

P.S. The flowers I was shooting were just like the ones you can see across the street. (Perhaps they'll still be good for next Friday.)

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