Holding Back the Flood

On the way back from seeing Dad at the rehab. centre this morning it seemed like a good time to stop at the Greenwood Lock. The River Calder was in full spate and unlike when I saw them the other day the lock gates had been closed as part of the flood management scheme. The river was powering past carrying the usual detritus whilst the geese and swans hugged the waters edge avoiding the current. 

The stairlift is now installed, a complicated affair with 4 bends and I'm hoping that when Dad finally comes home it will be ok as one section is very narrow and the space tight. I did measure him today and it looks like there will be only two centimetres clearance at best. Mum has found this last week all too much and has had the day in bed which will have done her good hopefully. 

Onwards and upwards .....

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