
4°C  -  21 mph Wind  -  Mostly Cloudy  -  Visibility 11.2 miles.  Chatted with my new nextdoor neighbour, Amy  -  and her dog  -  this morning.  Said a sad goodbye to Alec, my neighbour on the other side  -  he is going into a Residential Home today.  So when his house gets sold I will have yet another new neighbour.  Times are achanging☺  Braved the cold and strolled around the garden  -  a few Daisies and Campions still in bloom.  I brought this one in to blip, and brightened it up a bit in PaintShop Pro!  I thought this was late for Campions, but looking through my blips I found THIS ONE in December last year.  Have a good weekend, Everyone:)

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