Finding Grandad's Nose

43 days old
We're not sure if Euan knows that his hands belong to him yet, but he sure was having fun after his bath this morning, finding Grandad's nose.  We also heard more of those occasional attempts at communication, which are quite distinct from his cries for his nappy changing or for food or comfort.  He's also unsure as to whether he likes having a bath but as he brought up most of his morning feed over himself and his parents today, they all needed to get in the bath.  Which would be good for Mum and Dad if they had a bath yet!  The saga of the unfinished bathroom continues.....

Euan continues to have the 'gas problems' but apparently it is normal behaviour until he works out how to expel it easily!  We have also discovered that the noises he makes do not mean he is in pain, it's just his way of pushing out that gas.  Hopefully that should resolve itself soon and he won't be disturbed in the night as much as at present.

Mornings are his best time and he enjoys spending time with Mum and Dad for some time before and after feeding.

It's another very chilly but beautifully blue sky day here again so the plan is to go for a long walk in the forest this afternoon.

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