With The Fire Lit & A Toffee Apple Cake

A gloriously misty start to the day and I grabbed China from the field and took him in the trailer to a friend’s yard to do some work in a different environment. I started with him on the lunge before deciding whether to get on and I am glad that I did as he went straight up on his back legs and snapped my lunge line...luckily he came quickly back to me and I had another line with me. It took a little while but he soon settled and ended up working well. When I had finished, I let him off the lead rope and he stuck with me wherever I walked, a real sign of trust...so for me a positive trip out.

Luckily Mr Kit wasn’t playing golf today as I was a bit of a numpty in the supermarket and locked my keys in my car, so he had to head out to rescue me with the spare set! Finished off with a very lazy afternoon with fire the lit and a toffee apple cake to enjoy.

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