"Let it Snow"

It started snowing late last night and is still snowing as I write this, but unfortunately it's not the big, beautiful fluffy kind of snow, but rather the small, driving, icy kind of snow. I wanted to get out to look for a snowy blip so Tom & I drove slowly to the park, as the roads were very slippery. Imagine our surprise when we found the cause of the snow! There was Queen Elsa, singing  "Let it snow, let it snow".........(Well, technically the words are "let it go, let it go", but it rhymes with snow, so close enough. LOL) What could be better than a blip of Queen Elsa, so I pulled over and took a few shots of her........she was most gracious!    :)))
Thanks to MerrilHope for hosting MonoMondays this month, and her theme of "profile". 

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