Candelabra of requirement

For my least bad candles I need some way of displaying them securely so the judge can light one. I went into Kendal in forlorn hope of finding something suitable.
The charity shops were the obvious starting point, as who uses a candelabra these days?
Oxfam has a single brass one.
Save the children had a seven candle one.
RSPCA had only tea-light holders.
Oh dear.
I tried TK Max. Nothing but scented candles.
A few more charity shops to try.
St John’s Hospice. There in the window display! I rushed in and grabbed it! The assistant asked me why I was so excited! I explained my quest, and she said you can get anything if you just look.
So I paid my £1.50 and gave her a 50p donation!
We will see how it goes tomorrow.

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