
By valentina64

Facing Reality part 2

I have had a guerilla garden behind the empty building to the north of me for several years knowing from the outset that it was likely to be torn down at some point. It's happening. I only found out about it because my decorations there were starting to disappear and I found some loaded on the back of a pick up and went and retrieved them and them stomped to the city office to find out the building had a scheduled tear down date.. well that meant I had to scramble and retrieve all other garden decorations, trellis etc and save plants. Wrong time of year to move them in October but better to try than not. The Barber Shop where I clean gave me the OK to move some of them there. That is what this photo is of. And I also moved some to post office gardens. It is a sad blow even though expected. A blessing in disguise though, my elbow is telling me I need to do less and when your elbow starts to talk to you, you should listen.

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