
By IntothewildMan

Euphorbia and potting shed

Work, and admin stuff out of the way, I got out for a run-walk in between rain showers.
I ran from my mid teens until ten or fifteen years ago, but then I stopped at some point...I am not sure why. The rationale was probably to do with the belief that running is a bit tough on your joints, but I think having a young daughter was most likely a significant factor. These last years I have walked and cycled a fair bit, but not run much.
Recently I just got the feeling I was slowing down too much, settling a little too sedately into older age. Walking just doesn’t challenge and tone the cardiovascular system as much as I felt I needed. The heart and circulation is a potential vulnerability in my family.
So last week I started running. Well, running a hundred yards or so and then walking a hundred yards, and repeating. I have runwalked most days over the last week or so and am starting to feel a slight benefit, and not just total exhaustion! I read somewhere about an Olympic marathon trainer who taught his trainees to copy the gait of different animals - the intention being to vary the running style, so as to tone different muscle groups.
So there I was this afternoon in the gloom, trotting across the Felbrigg Estate when the image of a Brazilian tree frog from a recent David Attenborough nature documentary swam into mind. I gave it a try, not an easy one to emulate, and for some reason it made me burp. Sounded rather like a frog, I thought...
Just back from a planning meeting for the Pilgrimage of the Animals which we are planning for next Easter in Norwich. But that’s a topic for a future blip.

Oh I nearly forgot...casting about for a subject in between showers, I nipped out into the garden and took a picture of one of the few plants which were looking cheerful in these weather conditions. It’s a variegated form of Euphorbia Characias, and I think it’s called “Silver Swan”.

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