
By dwalletta

My polar bear family

So many blippers have dogs and cats and other pets, most of which are very photogenic, but we don't have any. So, to coincide with the BBC production of My polar bear family and me (repeating next week if you missed it), let me introduce you to the polars and their sad story.

These bears are not just cuddly toys - they double up as hot-water bottles. They are filled with wheat grains, and if they are put in the microwave for a minute or two, the wheat heats up and stays hot for a long time. (This background is neccessary for the story).

A while ago we realised we had a mouse or two also living with us. We weren't plagued, and they didn't come anywhere near our food stores.

Now we know why they didn't need to - the mice had attacked the poor polars, nibbling through the fabric then grazing on the wheaten innards.

It has a happy ending. The mouse bait seems to have worked- husband found a dead mouse on the living room floor yesterday (he found it by stepping on it, but that's another story). And tomorrow the bears are scheduled for surgery - topping up their filling, then stitching up their wounds.

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