
By coastaldave67

The Return

Hello :-) its been a good while since i last posted, and i said to myself i would not post again unless i had some different news to say apart from waiting for this result, waiting for this appointment etc etc. Well after loads of crap waiting and botched results from both the James paget and Norfolk and Norwich hospitals, the Addenbrookes in Cambridge took over my case after becoming involved a short time ago.
After yet more Biopsies they called me into the hospital on the 10th of this month, ( a 180 mile round trip ) to tell there findings. The two large cysts inside the head of my pancreas are not cancerous, but they fear on studying the fluid drained from these that this could change at any given time.
So they gave me two choices, Come to the hospital every 6 months to have biopsies taken to see what is happening, with this choice if the cysts turn to tumors shortly after the visit then they will miss vital time, the second choice is to have a major operation which will take about 7 hours and involve removing the head of the pancreas, the outlet of the stomach, a segment of the small bowel,the duodenum, the bile duct and the gall bladder, the surgeons would then have to make four or more joins between the stomach and and organs removed. it is a highly complex and high risk operation and has many risks up to 30 days after. It will also take about 6 months to recover from..
So..i have agreed to the op and i shall be having it in the next 4 weeks, am very nervous about this but at least it will end all fears of cancer. The good thing is i am already taking pancreas enzymes to digest food and insulin, both of which my pancreas cant do anymore so i wont have to get used to that regime. Would like to thank all my very good blipper friends for all your messages of support whilst i have been away, i really do thank you :-)
Dave xx

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