Half way

Well it's the middle of Movember and my tache is coming along nicely.

I think I've realised why I've lost my photo mojo.

In the bath reading the northern lights ( to remind myself I'm not going mad with regards the BBC adaptation ), I needed my reading glasses.

In having a shave I also realised I needed them.

Then when trying to take a selfie I couldn't see anything bar a blurred mess!

I think that's my issue. I've always had excellent vision, but over the last few years it has suddenly deteriorated.

Add in the mugging in January, I'm just not feeling the need to pick up a camera.

If I was shooting a macro I don't think I'd be able to get it in focus without the glasses on, and I've not had to use them with the DSLR.

Oh well, 15 days and it can all come off or just beard up for Christmas.

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